Industry News

  • The main route of transmission of the new coronavirus is the spread of respiratory droplets. In protective equipment, the role of masks is irreplaceable. It can be said that the correctness of wearing a mask is directly related to the success or failure of protection. However, there are certain requirements for wearing masks, especially N95 protective masks. It does not mean that with N95 masks, everything is fine. Incorrect wearing is equivalent to invalid protection.


  • While N95 masks were purchased and used in large quantities, how to deal with them after use became a new problem in controlling the spread of pneumonia.


  • Whether the mask can be used again after cleaning can not be generalized, mainly related to factors such as the type of mask.


  • Medical masks are mostly made of one or more layers of non-woven fabrics.


  • Medical masks can be divided into: medical protective masks, medical surgical masks, ordinary medical masks.


  • N95 masks are tightly protected, but there will be a clear sense of sulking after wearing for a long time.

